Daily Dose of Design: 20 Places to Travel to in Your 20's

Friday, October 23, 2015

20 Places to Travel to in Your 20's

For as long as I can remember, I've always loved to travel and a few years ago I was told that is called wanderlust. I've loved that word ever since I heard it - you know when you just love a word? I LOVE that word! I've been very fortunate to have been able to travel to beautiful destinations and I have no plans of stopping. Since I recently turned 21, I've had plans to go to Las Vegas when the semester ends and somewhere tropical in the middle of winter like Aruba or Grand Turk. I have this weird hobby (brace yourselves people) of opening the Maps app on my iPhone and looking for new islands/places in the middle of no where and then googling them endlessly. I do this every day - probably when I should be doing... anything else basically! I love the idea of seeing new places and thinking about how many different places there are in the world to possibly visit gives me anxiety that I'm not in one of those places as we speak. I love to travel, see new places and experience new things.

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There's so many places on my bucket list of destinations; from private islands in the middle of the Pacific to big cities in Europe, I just want to go everywhere! My mom always tells me traveling while you're young is much different than traveling when you have a family which I could completely see being true. There's no better time to freely explore the world and see places at your own pace and do things on the whim. I have two vacations I'm planning; somewhere tropical (any suggestions?) for December and Las Vegas (my 21 trip!) in either April or May.

I've gotten to travel quite a bit in the past 21 years but memories and experiences from a young age seem to be pretty different from ones you make in your 20's. When I was 11, my family and I went to Italy and that was my first time over seas. I remember being so excited and loving it so much the first time I was there - seeing all of the historic cities and my dad's small town where he grew up is an amazing experience but my memories from when I went as a little girl and from when I went as an older teenager are so different... Exactly why I think it's so important to travel in your 20's! It's also kind of obvious that as you get older, you're more likely to appreciate the cultures and experiences of the places you visit. Now I may have high hopes to get to be on Big Brother, and don't get me wrong I would LOVE to be on The Amazing Race but having to race other teams around the world would give me anxiety and I would be too busy stopping every two seconds to take pictures - pretty sure my partner for the race wouldn't like that too much ; )

Here's my list of 20 places that I think you should (and that are on my list) to visit while in your 20's:

Ibiza, Spain
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Ibiza is an island in the Mediterranean that is known for the nightlife and gorgeous beaches. I've never been to Spain, but it's on my list! From all of the pictures I've seen, it's a gorgeous country and has the most beautiful islands. Definitely a must! (image source)

Reykjavik, Iceland
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Because I mean, who wouldn't want to see the Northern Lights?! My mom went to Iceland when she was in her 20's with her friends and she said it was the strangest, but most beautiful place ever. Apparently it's completely dark for half of the year and then doesn't get dark for half of the year; but my mom has shown me pictures and there are the most beautiful buildings, lagoons, etc to see. I think anyone who has a travel bug would agree that seeing the Northern Lights is a priceless experience! (image source)

Bora Bora, Tahiti
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For as long as I've known what Tahiti was, it's been my absolute dream vacation. If you watch The Real Housewives of Orange County then you probably saw their crazy vacation there this past season! Now every time I think about Tahiti their trip is all I think about ha! This is such a dream trip and I will make it happen! A long flight that clearly will be well worth it! (image source)

Phuket, Thailand
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I'm not sure why but I never realized just how gorgeous Thailand is. There seems to be endless waterfalls, tons of places to go on hikes and gorgeous beaches upon beaches! My cousin spent three weeks in Thailand a few years ago and she always says that it was by far the best experience of her life. Backpacking around Thailand seems like a trip everyone should take for sure! (image source)

Istanbul, Turkey
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Anyone who EVER played the Madeline's European Adventures computer game (please tell me I'm not the only one who loved this game?!) can't tell me that they didn't want to go to Istanbul like Madeline did!! Seriously, I have always wanted to go to Turkey - two semesters ago I had to take an art class (stupid GenEd requirements) so I took an architectural design class and one of the places we studied a lot was Turkey and the Blue Mosque... Never have I ever seen such a beautiful piece of art. I can only imagine how mesmerizing it must be in person! With everything going on in the Middle East, it seems really scary to travel there but it's such a once in a lifetime experience that I think it's a trip well worth taking! (image source)

New Orleans, Louisiana
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I've been to NOLA once but it was only for a day, I wasn't legal and it wasn't Mardi Gras! So was I really there?! I would love to experience Mardi Gras in New Orleans and it is such an old, colorful city that anyone in their 20's should experience. (image source)

Cape Town, South Africa
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Oh how badly I want to see Cape Town! This is another country/city that I truly never realized the beauty. I'm dying to hike up Table Mountain - I can just imagine how breath taking the view must be! I would love to visit and I hope I get to go - I'm trying to plan a trip toward the end of next year, it's a must in my book : ) (image source)

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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I've always wanted to visit Rio; especially since the start of this seasons The Amazing Race started there and it was so gorgeous! There's so many beautiful landmarks - especially the Christ the Redeemer statue. Brazil is gorgeous and I'm so envious of anyone who lives there and/or visits there! (image source)

St. George, Grenada
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Grenada is the most southern point in the Caribbean - need I say more?! Apparently, it's an island that is only 21x12 and has nothing but beaches... Ugh take me here now! I cannot imagine how amazing it would be to deep sea fish or snorkel here. Need to go!! (image source)

Cinque Terre, Italy
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Cinque Terre is a gorgeous coastline town in Northern Italy that you NEED to see if you visit the beautiful Italia! Italy has always been like a second home to me and the first time I saw Cinque Terre I was speechless - this picture is one I took and it was my ride to Tumblr fame (just kidding, sort of). Every building is so colorful and one is prettier than the next! All of Italy is breathtaking and indescribable but Cinque Terre is somewhere you HAVE to take the time to see if you visit Italy

Scalea, Calabria, Italy
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Another Italian land mark you NEED to see!! Scalea - possibly the most gorgeous Italian beach you will ever see. Scalea is in Cosenza, Calabria which is where my family is from. This beach is about 5 minutes from the house we have there. The house is the one my dad grew up in and has been in my family for a LONG time. This may have made my list because I have such a personal connection to it, but if you like clear water and blue/green toned sea glass then this beach is for you!!! I would love to take any of you on a tour of Calabria - just say the word and I'm there! Always looking for an excuse to visit : )

Santorini, Greece
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I went to Greece once but I stayed in Athens. Santorini looks like probably one of the most gorgeous cities um, ever! Can you just imagine the gorgeous Insta pics you could get here?! This is pretty high on my travel list - I need to go ASAP and so do you! (image source)

Paris, France
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Paris: cliche? Probably. Should you go anyway? Duh!!! Exploring Paris in your 20's - is there anything better?! There's so many things to do and see and amazing food to eat too! Another spot thats pretty high on my list, especially since it's a straight forward trip and place that's easy to travel to from New York. I hope to get here once I graduate! (image source)

Auckland, New Zealand
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I can't even imagine the views and beaches in New Zealand - especially hiking trails! I would love to go "down under" and see this insanely beautiful country. Another long flight but well worth it I'm sure! (image source)

La Paz, Bolivia
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From reading about La Paz in the past, I know that there is an insanely cool cable car system that gives you complete 360 views of the city. An older city, but sometimes the older the city the prettier it is. (image source)

Roadtrip the PCH, California
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I love New York, but boy do I have the urge to experience some West Coast livin'! Road tripping the Pacific Coast Highway with your friends must be one of the best experiences that I NEED to try! Cali is gorgeous and I have every intention of living there one day! (image source)

Las Vegas, Nevada
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Like I mentioned, I have a Vegas trip planned for my 21st (yes that was two months ago, blame it on school) that I literally can't wait another day for! I'm so excited to experience Sin City finally being legal. We're staying at The Wynn and I've heard such great things about that resort! We're considering spending the second half of the week at Caesar's Palace just to experience a few different places; the beauty of Vegas is you don't really need too much of a plan! (image source)

London, England
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London is super cliche and touristy but it's still somewhere that everyone should experience! I went to London when I was younger and I would absolutely love to go again to be able to experience more and take in the city better now that I'm older. Sidenote: whenever I think of London, I think of Monica and Chandler telling Joey how they fell in love in London, "IN LONDON?!" Hahaha (I tend to reference most things I say to Friends if you haven't noticed) (image source)

Kuekenhof Garden, Holland
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Okay, this garden is INSANE... Another destination I didn't know existed until my mom had told me about it. After my grandma died, my grandpa got remarried to his wife who is Dutch. When they got married, they had their wedding at this garden in Holland and I didn't believe my mom and aunt when they told me about this garden (until I googled it and was proven wrong). There's miles and miles of tulips that bloom in the spring that you can drive through and it's seriously amazing how much effort goes into keeping such a massive amount of gardens SO gorgeous. I've never been to Holland, but my step-grandma always says she wants to take me there - I'm in, lets go! (image source)

Maui, Hawaii
 photo Maui Hawaii_zpsrryepzmk.jpg
Wanting (more like needing) to visit Maui is pretty self explanatory... I LOVE Hawaii and vising Maui - the beaches, trying the foods, cliff jumping, hiking, helicopter rides - the list goes on and on forever. Hawaii has gorgeous resorts that have so many things to do, but the real fun begins once you leave the resort during the day! This is a must trip, whether its with your friends or significant other, you can never visit Hawaii too many times! (image source)

Over the summer, I found this world map which resembles one I've been looking for for a while now. Every time I travel somewhere new, I put a pin into the map signifying that I've been there. If I do this right, most of the map will be full - that's the goal anyway!!

Do you love to travel? Where is somewhere that you want to travel to while you're in your 20's or that you saw in your 20's and loved?



  1. I would love to travel to so many places. Maybe we can go together :-)

  2. I would love to travel to so many places. Maybe we can go together :-)

  3. Oh I would love to go to all of these places!

  4. What a great list! I travelled to a couple of those places when I was in my twenties. I love travelling, and even now that I have a family it is something that we make a priority. In fact, we did the PCH trip last year, and although terrifying (seriously, even for my experienced mountain roads driving husband) it was also spectacular. We share a lot of the same dream destinations, and hopefully we will both get to visit them all one day.

  5. What an awesome list! I have one about as long as my arm, and I'm not even ashamed! lol! I want to see the world... all of it!

  6. Though I traveled a TON in my twenties, I only hit 3 on this list. Guess I need to keep going ;)

  7. I would love to go to all those places! I've only been to Las Vegas and Maui... definitely want to head to Europe though and explore everything there!

  8. I would love to travel to Iceland! It is definitely on my bucket list! :)

  9. I did not travel much growing up but as an adult my husband and I have made it a point to travel near and far! Iceland is a place we keep talking about visiting but I also want to go back to London!

  10. I loved all the places on your list. I've been to Hawaii and now currently living in Japan! I have England and Thailand on my list, but now since looking at yours, I think I'll add a few more I never thought of.

  11. Lovely places. and I love to travel too. I've seen so many countries and still I want to see more.

  12. All of these places are on my travel bucket list! I'm happy to say I've crossed some of them off and eager to visit the rest.

    All the Best,
    Allison Jones | www.LiveLifeWellBlog.com

  13. All these places look so beautiful, definitely worth visiting.

  14. Iceland and New Zealand are definitely my top favorites! I love your list. :)

  15. Wow, some very different places in this list, gorgeous and exciting places! There's so many places I want to go to, a few of these places I wish to visit too! Have you ever visited Torremolinos? I've been twice and it's got one of the most stunning beaches ever! xx

    Jasmine || http://www.blogsallbeautyy.blogspot.co.uk

  16. I am just about out of my 20s (next month) and I have to admit to have not visit a lot of places on this list, I would one day love to see more of the world though. x

  17. well I can honestly say I've never been to any of these except Vegas... I grew up there though lol. I'm not in my 20's anymore but I hope my 30's will bring me to some of these places for sure.

  18. Amazing photos. I really agree with the message on the photo that started the article!

  19. Ooooh awesome lits! I'd add Bali just because I'm Indonesian hahaha :D

  20. Wow, these are some gorgeous places to travel!

  21. I love taking time to travel with my family! Great post! I'd love to see a bunch of these places!!

  22. Interesting picks. I am now in my 40's and haven't been to many of these places. But we can add Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, South Africa, Kenya, Switzerland, England, and a whole lot more US states.

  23. I love your picks. And yes I say do it now while you are young and only have yourself to worry about, When you are older and have a family take your plane ticket and times that by 4, it won't be so easy to escape. Go have the time of your life!

  24. What beautiful pictures. I have never really traveled far before but want to when the kiddos get older.

  25. I've traveled quite a bit but I have got to get to Iceland. That's a definite must for me!

  26. That's a great list. I have done only a few but have a lot of them on my list.
    — DT | Here I Scribble

  27. I have always had wanderlust, but had a child when I was 21. I have been traveling a lot in my 40's and wish I could have more when I was younger as it's much harder on my body now that I'm older so I totally agree that seeing the world when you're young is the better way. Great post!

  28. These all look like absolutely amazing places to visit! I would be happy to be able to visit even just one of them in my 20's lol : )

  29. Back in my 20's I was not traveling but now that I am older I am. I've been to a few places you mentioned. It's a great way to see the world.

  30. Great list! I love how diverse these choices are. As much as I'm a sunshine and water kind of girl, I like to explore the chilly beautiful old cities of Europe too. We're currently in London and will be headed to Leipzip and Paris next. And I'd really love to get to Cinque Terre this summer.. we'll see!! Hope you get to all these places on your list.. they look beautiful!

  31. This list is giving me so much wanderlust which I already have bad. I would also add somewhere and Argentina and Chile. I haven't been yet but I want to go. The mountains there look so beautiful

  32. You listed so many great places! The top picks on my list are London, Auckland, Santorini and Maui! I can't wait to add some more of these places to my list :) I stumbled across your blog from the Peony Project, and I've been loving your posts! Commenting from blissfullybrunette.com

  33. This is a really awesome list! We are planning a trip to Iceland next summer and we are so excited! Looks like we are getting one of these in while we are still in our 20s :)

  34. i have 4 covered..but i would love to travel to those places at any age. they are all so amazing.

  35. Its amazing how varied the geography is all over the world! I love traveling and really spending time getting to know a foreign city. So far I have spent a decent amount of time in Kigali, Rwanda and Quito, Ecuador, and will be spending 3 months in a refugee camp in Algeria this spring! There's just so much out there to get to know.

  36. Wow! What an amazing list. Travel is so wonderful. Although I am much older than my 20s, I hope to visit some of these places one day.

  37. This is such great advice. My 20s are long gone now, but one thing I regret is not taking the time to travel more before I had kids.

  38. I'm 24, and so far since I turned 20 I've visited Minneapolis, Orlando, Dallas, Chicago, Oahu, Bois Blanc Island (Michigan), Hong Kong, ShenZhen (China), and Penang (Malaysia). Not nearly as exotic as your list! :) But I've loved all my little adventures. I've got another island trip (Langkawi) planned for my 5th wedding anniversary in December--I was just planning the itinerary today and I'm looking forward to it!

  39. Those are all amazing places to visit! I wish I could have an endless travel budget and go to them all!!


  40. What an awesome list! Grenada and Santorini are calling my name (but let's be real, they're ALL calling my name). We love to travel together.. even just for a short overnight or weekend. When my husband travels for business I always try to tag along. It's more cost effective and before we have kids, it's a great excuse to be together!

  41. I'm from Louisiana, New Orleans is only about an hour away from me! I would LOVE to go to Santorini or Tahiti or Maui! They all look so relaxing!!!

  42. a great list! you have included most of the places I would love to visit myself, including Santorini, Paris, and London. I hope I get to visit them someday even when I am way past my 20's

  43. Actually, it's Keukenhof instead of kuekenhof. Doesn't matter ;)
    Nice places though!

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. you specify Maui but your picture is of Oahu

  46. We live in Turkey and I want to reassure anyone and everyone that it's nothing like the news portrays it. We live in Izmir, which is extremely European. In fact, if we didn't watch the news, we'd have no idea what was happening in the southeast of Turkey. We've been to Istanbul multiple times and absolutely loved it. Definitely worth it!


  47. You forgot little Australia! Haha :P I like a lot of your choices, I need to do most of those. I have done more of SE Asia and New Zealand, Japan next!
    Great Post
    Sammy @ Www.Bargainbaglady.com {xx}

  48. Wauw I really like your blog! But you forgot Malta, Gozo- Blue Lagoon! That is a little peace of heaven!!

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  51. I love that only at 15 years old, I have gone to 8 places on the list and have 4 of those trips planned for the near future~ I'm very excited in seeing Iceland during thanksgiving break

  52. You forgot Cuzco- Peru, its absolutely gorgeous

  53. I was in South Africa for 7 weeks and it was the BEST experience of my life. Table mountain is great, but pretty touristy, Lion's Head has the absolute best view in my book. Go to Muizenberg and surf its the cutest town about 30 minutes from Capetown and that is where I lived!

  54. Ive been to Tahiti twice but I went to Bora Bora last year for the first time and it was amazing! If you plan to go the best time is during the month of June and July. Their Heiva (Celebration of Tahitian Culture) takes place an a beach flat as big as a football field and they hold one of the biggest and oldest dance competitions in the pacific. I git to dance with my group there and it was the experience of a lifetime!

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  56. Such an inspiring and interesting bucket list.Thanks for the inspiration and information.
    Check out my blog as well http://eattravelliveandrepeat.blogspot.in/

  57. These are indeed beautiful places to visit! Never got the chance during my 20's, so will be planning it on my retirement because I don't want to end up regretting not traveling just like the people from Paperhelp.org prices.

  58. Wow your list is so inspiring .. this year I would turn 18 and I do love to travel too.. im surely going to add this places to my bucket list too.. maybe I would ask you to be my travel guide to Italy when I get the chance!

  59. These are a great list of places. I love travelling but i have never been anywhere. These are really very interesting and amazing destinations. If given a chance I'll surely visit these places.
    Lifecell Cream :)

  60. Oh, gosh! I dream to visit Phuket! But I have plenty of work thanx to https://www.lordofpapers.com/

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

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