Daily Dose of Design: 10 Things to Do Before 10 AM

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

10 Things to Do Before 10 AM

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No one said waking up early would be easy, but let me tell ya - it's almost ALWAYS worth it! I know all too well how hard it can seem to get out of bed in the morning no matter what time it is that the alarm is going off. I sort of have a love/hate relationship with waking up early; having a few extra hours to get things done is always helpful but that mid-afternoon slump can reeeaally hit hard! There's a ton of things you can benefit from doing first thing in the morning both for your health and even to benefit your day and the rate of which you get things done. Nothing is worse than waking up and not having a plan for the day or worse - waking up late and still feeling drained. Choosing to start each day off on the right foot helps you feel better, get WAY more things crossed off on your to-do list and best of all, you'll feel accomplished come bed time! Here are my top 10 things everyone should do every morning before 10 AM:

 photo These vitamins are easy to take and enjoyable too_zpsq20nz0zr.jpg

1. Hydrate. Literally the most important thing you can do for your body in the morning! When I drink a decent amount of water when I first wake up, I find I have more energy throughout the day and usually prevents headaches. Water is basically all I drink, but I make sure it's one of the first things I do when I wake up each day.

2. Solidify your plan for the day. Ideally you'll know what the day holds before your morning begins, but it's always good to go over your list in the morning so you can begin to think about everything you have to tackle and more effectively cross them off the list. I like to make a list in my phone and as I'm in the process of waking up the next morning, I'll go over the list and decide what to do first.

3. Listen to your favorite playlist. I have a playlist on my phone that's meant for mornings - and let me tell you, it helps! I listen to a radio show every morning, but when I first wake up I play my morning play list and it helps me wake up and get energized and motivated for the day. You may or may not know that OneRepublic is my favorite band ever, so their new album is my current morning waker-upper. It's amazing what kind of effect music can have on you!

4. Take 20 minutes to clean up. When I finally crawl into bed at night, there's a pretty unlikely chance that I put anything that was on my bed away... In fact it's probably in a pile. On a chair. Just saying... ; ) When you wake up, make your bed and clean things up. It makes you feel SO much better, and you're getting something done early in the AM.

5. Take vitamins. This is a HUGE one for me! I always see such a difference in my day when I take my vitamins versus on a day that I don't; even if I got a decent night of sleep. My favorite vitamins to take are by Nature Made; even if you hate taking pills these are perfect for you because they're gummies! My two favorites from Nature Made are the multis and the hair-skin-nails vitamins. Taking these every day helps me feel so much better all-around and all day long. I can almost always tackle an entire to-do list because I don't start to get that afternoon drag by 3 PM.

 photo These vitamins are part of my every day morning routine_zpssrpsuooc.jpg

I always take my Nature Made vitamins first thing in the morning and I absolutely see a difference in how I feel. They're meant to help nutritional gaps which is exactly what I need. The hair-skin-nails gummies provide antioxidant support and are meant to strengthen your hair, skin and nails.† I love that these are gummies too - they're so easy to take - especially in the morning! Best part is I get both of these Nature made vitamins at Walmart. They're easily available and they also offer everyday low prices on the Nature Made products. Taking vitamins as a start to your day is one of the best things you can do and with a brand like Nature Made, you know you can trust that you'll have an awesome day!

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6. Eat a healthy, well-balanced breakfast. I know, I know - breakfast can often be the last thing on your mind. Especially if it's already a busy morning. I've never been a big breakfast eater, but once I began eating a healthy breakfast I realized what a difference it was making on my day. It helps SO much with prolonged energy and it's the best thing you can do for your morning next to taking vitamins daily. I usually make a fruit smoothie with peanut butter (for protein) if I need something easy/quick. My other favorite breakfast is yogurt with granola and a side of fruit, or scrambled eggs with toast. I ALWAYS have a glass of orange juice - even if it's just a little bit - for extra Vitamin C.

7. Take a shower, get dressed. An obvious one, yes, but starting your day off by getting ready is a huge factor in how you start your day. The more you feel put together, the more put together you'll be. It's sort of a mind game but it works! I of COURSE have lazy mornings where I don't get right up and get ready for the day and it can be relaxing, but I always seem to get more done when I'm moving and ready earlier in the day.

8. Think of something you're excited for. Have a fun weekend plan? A trip coming up? Total Christmas junkie (like me)?! Find something that makes you SO excited and think about it - think about it while you're cleaning, showering - anything. I find that being excited about something makes me so motivated to run through my to-do list and get things done. It also helps put you in a better mood; focusing on the positives is the best thing you can do for yourself in the morning!

9. Exercise! Everyone has their personal favorite time to work out, but even if that isn't the morning for you - you can still do a couple of things to get yourself moving and your blood flowing. Do 10 squats and 10 jumping jacks for the length of a song on your playlist. If you're an outdoors person and it's a nice day out, go for a morning walk. There's such easy ways to get moving even if you aren't big on exercise in the morning. Breathing in fresh air in the morning is an awesome feeling too, so take a few deep breaths and I promise you'll feel calm and collected all day.

10. Cross at least two things off of your to-do list. I like to start my list by tackling one of the bigger things first - there's nothing better than crossing something big off! The more you do earlier, the less you'll have to do later. Which means more time for your guilty pleasure prime time TV shows. ; )

No matter what time you wake up, there's always things you can and should be doing to start your day off on the right foot. Whether it's beneficial to your health or for work, there's no better feeling than having a day where your energy level remains high!

 photo Nature Made Vitamins in Walmart_zpsidhxjr7k.jpg

Thanks to Walmart, it's never been easier to have that energy-filled day by getting your daily dose of vitamins. Be the best you can be and take your vitamins every day! Nature Made has such an awesome selection of Probiotics and Vitamins (available at Walmart or Walmart SuperCenters) and they couldn't be easier to grab - even on a busy day! When you shop for your Nature Made vitamins here, you can also enter to win one of 60 Walmart gift cards that are worth $50 each (no purchase necessary)!

For more on Nature Made, be sure to visit them on Facebook and Twitter and Walmart on Facebook and Twitter.

What's your favorite things to do to start your day off?


This post is sponsored by Nature Made as a part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. As always, all thoughts and opinions are my own!


  1. I think this is great. I need my coffee in the morning but always try to drink a glass of water first so I can start the day hydrated. I'm going to have to add some of these things to my morning routine!

  2. I think this is great. I need my coffee in the morning but always try to drink a glass of water first so I can start the day hydrated. I'm going to have to add some of these things to my morning routine!

  3. I love waking up early... but I struggle with it TBH lol! I'm sort of a night owl... and you can't be BOTH. But I just feel so productive when I'm up early! This is a great list of things to get done.

    xo Steph

  4. These are all amazing tips for having productive mornings - love taking vitamins! Cleaning up a tiny bit helps SO much more than you'd think!

  5. I really do need to begin taking vitamins. I'm nearing 30 and need to stop taking my health for granted! I love this list and hopefully when I enter entrepreneurial life (in 2 years, my end date), I will remember these tips that you recommended.

  6. Ha #10 is my favorite! I do maybe 3 of these things... These all sound like great ideas for a great day though.

  7. I need to take my vitamins again I have become slack!

  8. so true about cleaning up, it totally makes you feel better about the day!
    xo, Hannah


  9. Awesome suggestions. Unfortunately I can never fit all of those things

  10. Great tips but I would have to wake up at 4 am to get everything done! My day starts at 7 am sharp! I usually get up at 6, work out, shower, eat and go straight to work or class depending on the day

  11. Great tips! I have been trying REALLY hard to get up earlier and be productive before work and school but recently I have been failing at that. This week I am determined to get up early and be productive. I always hydrate first thing in the morning. It is great for your metabolism too!

  12. Cleaning up a little bit in the morning is something I really should make time for. I make a little bit of a mess in the morning when I make breakfast and get ready, and the last thing I want to do when I come home from work is deal with a mess! Setting my alarm 20 minutes earlier couldn't hurt at all.

  13. I am a big fan of WRITING before ten and some mindful meditation. This is a great list!

  14. Oh my gosh, I LOVE these tips! I am definitely not a morning person at all but these tips definitely help out with that!


  15. A good playlist always boosts my mood in the morning! Great suggestions!

  16. Hydrating is very important! I try to drink at least 64 oz of water per day.

  17. I really need to start taking vitamins. Getting dressed is a big thing for me. If I'm in my PJ's all day I get nothing done!

    Greta | www.gretahollar.com

  18. Waking up early is never my thing but I've gotten used to it. Having a routine definitely makes the morning so much easier for me. I love that you've mentioned all the important things to do.

  19. You have some great pointers in here! I like your points about cleaning in the morning, thinking of something I'm excited about, and crossing two things off the to do's. I might have to get up a little earlier but it would probably be worth it!

  20. I love this list! I can definitely agree that knocking out the most-dreaded or the larger tasks earliest is the best game plan -- that's when our energy levels are the highest, our decision-making abilities are at their peak and our attention spans are ready to take on the task at hand!

  21. I always wake up early and I think I need to take a vitamins

  22. I am not a morning person by any stretch of the imagination, but I've been making it a point to wake up early and get some things done every day. I'm still not a morning person, but I have noticed that I'm getting more done than I usually do and have been in a better mood, so maybe this morning thing can work out for me, lol!

  23. Taking my vitamins is pretty much the first thing I do in the morning too. I was iffy on the gummy vitamins at first, but I like them now!

  24. Fantastic List - I just started drinking a giant glass of water and taking vitamins in the am - it makes such a difference!

  25. I don't have any Vitamins and I would love to try this. Perfect for my everyday routine.

  26. Awesome tips! I was definitely not a morning person before, but now I try to work out in the morning and drink lots of water. I also love making a yummy healthy breakfast, it makes my morning 10x better!

  27. ALL about that vitamin life! One of the first things I do is get out all of the vitamins for me and the hubs...we're like old people. Ha!

    Coming Up Roses

  28. These are all really good tips! I lovemy gummy vitamins. :)

  29. I have never been a morning person, and I've decided to be okay with it. I tend to workout, plan my next day, take my vitamins, etc. at night. This works best for me. I definitely try to get myself going in the morning with a good breakfast and lots of water.

  30. I'm always curious to read about people's routines and have been wondering lately what do people do in the mornings to get ready for the day. I love that you listen to your fave playlists. Music always pumps me up for the day!

  31. I am not a morning person and I hate waking up early. I usually make strong tea to open my eyes as caffeine helps you to wake up and be alert.

  32. Great list of things to do. I'll have to make a morning list of tunes to listen to, because I don't have one of those.

  33. I would add "enjoy my much needed cup of java" to this list, but other than that, I think this is a great list that will help me get the day started on the right foot. I love "listen to your favorite playlist". I think that will help keep your positive attitude and vibes long after the day has begun.

  34. Love these tips. I was just thinking that I need to start a multi vitamin so I will look into these & add to my morning routine.

  35. Love these tips. I need a coffee, a nice walk and my vitamins in the morning.

  36. Very informative post. Hydrating and taking proper diet play an important role. Thanks for sharing such an amazing post.
    hgh energizer supplement :)

  37. I can see that you always eat very good quality and rich supplements really its always seems very good to me. Again if you want then you can visit the canadian vitamin shop because from there you'll get all good quality antioxidant just at a simple price.

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