Daily Dose of Design: 8 Ways to Be A Total #GirlBoss

Friday, October 14, 2016

8 Ways to Be A Total #GirlBoss

 photo Square Cash - the ULTIMATE Girl Boss app_zps7b9fdcdy.jpg

I think it's safe to say that we all have the book #GirlBoss to thank for this term, but there's something about it that's extremely motivating. A woman who is hard working, a go-getter and mature beyond her years is considered the ultimate girl boss. Working hard and setting goals - it's a lot of our millennial generations' goal and if you're a blogger or have an awesome business going, you know exactly what I mean! Whether you're already a girl boss or want to become one, this list has 8 ways to help you become a girl boss or legitimize the fact that you already are a girl boss. There's enough boss-ness to go around for all of us, so get motivated and motivate each other. Because in a world like this, we need ALL of the girl bosses we can get!

1. Always be inspired to learn new things. Never think it's time to stop learning. Build on what you know, learn new things and gain more knowledge to share with the world. Take opportunities to learn what you find interesting - and learning doesn't have to be in a traditional way. Travel, don't pass up fun opportunities, live out of your comfort zone and aim to learn something new every day. You'll feel like a whole new person. ; )

2. Work, work, work. As Rihanna would say, get. it. DONE. Set deadlines for yourself and get things done beyond what's on your to-do list. You'll be feeling super girlboss-ish and it'll leave you having time to set aside for yourself. The more you work, the more you treat yourself. Simple!

3. Encourage other women to let out their inner girl boss. Share what you've learned and what you know; be encouraging and helpful to the women in your life - whether it's a friend or a family member, there's enough room for all of us to be successful. And really, there isn't a better feeling than helping to encourage others to be the best they can be.

4. Know your worth. Don't sell yourself short. Summer from Coffee with Summer wrote an INSANELY amazing and encouraging post all about how and why bloggers should never work for free. Your time is valuable, and you shouldn't sell yourself short. Ever. Period. You work hard and you deserve recognition for that work. This goes for bloggers, small business owners and girl bosses alike; you depend on your business, right? No one can expect you to work for free or less than you're worth. Luckily for us, there's an easy way these days to 1. keep track of your money and when you're paid and 2. make it easy to get paid. How? Enter Square Cash.

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Square Cash is the easiest way to send and receive money from everyone - friends, family and those you do work for. Companies, individuals, other small businesses, etc. The beauty of Square Cash is that you don't have to physically be with your customer to receive payment. It can be done virtually (pretty much like a PayPal invoice, but easier) and getting the Square Cash app on your phone couldn't be any easier!

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Once you download Square Cash, you simply sign up for an account and then link your debit card. Yep - that easy. Clearly this app is meant for all girl bosses ; ) There's also a Virtual Card that is available for free - so you can buy things online right from our account. It's almost too convenient! It's also the only app that allows for instant transfers (for a small, 1% fee) which is so convenient. Also, can we talk a second about that app that allows you to send/receive money, but your information is totally public? It's called Venmo and it's borderline freaky if you ask me! I know it's convenient and works well, but there's something that doesn't sit well with me about sharing who I send/receive money with, with anyone who wants to see it. One of my friends has used it for a while, and she always tries to get me on board... I told her about Square Cash and showed it to her when I visited a few weeks ago, and now (thank GOD!) she uses it! It's so much safer in my opinion and let's be honest, do we really need to know who paid who for concert tickets? I think not!

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Thanks to Square Cash, you can not only save time by sending and receiving money from friends/family, you can make sure you get paid. Safe to say that getting Square Cash is an ULTIMATE #girlboss move!

5. Always be a step ahead of the game. Try to be prepared for anything and everything that will come your way. There's no doubt that there will be days where things don't go according to plan, but every girl boss knows that handling it comes easy if you're organized and try and stay ahead.

6. Hustle Hard. Don't get discouraged. There'll be days where you don't feel motivated. There WILL be days where you feel like you just want to shop or lay on the couch and binge watch something on Netflix. It's normal! This is where it's crucial to turn to others to help you get back into your groove. Whether it's a small group of friends, a family member or even a group online; there are SO many inspirational Facebook communities where bloggers and small business owners can come together and share things - questions, small wins, etc. There's so many I love, but one of my favorites is The Rising Tide Society. SO many inspiring small business owners/bloggers/girl bosses in that group, and there's so much room for spreading the encouragement you may need.

7. Find your grind. Each and every one of us has a different way of going about a daily routine. It's seriously ALL about what works best for you! If you find something that works for you and your routine, you're waaaay more likely to put 100% of yourself into it, right?! There's 24 hours in a day. Work with what ya got and kill it. All day. Every. Day.

8. Be passionate. Do things you love and that you genuinely are happy about. Set goals, meet goals, work hard and you're on your way to being THE ultimate girl boss. "Do it with passion, or not at all." And *insert fist pump emoji here*.

I'd love to hear what you'd add to this list! P.S. do you use Square Cash? If so, do you love it?!


This is a sponsored post in partnership with Square Cash and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are - as always - solely my own.


  1. LOVELOVELOVE how you approached this post, girlfriend. I also loved Summer's post...and Square is SO easy to use!

    Coming Up Roses

  2. Great list, I always stand by articles like this!

  3. I haven't hear of square cash. I need to check them out :)

  4. I'm definitely all about get it done! I have my to list for each day and I check off those boxes as best as I can!

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! Couldn't agree more with this, especially #3, #4, #6 and #8. Thanks for sharing!

    — DT | Here I Scribble

  6. What a great post! I'm just starting out my blog so this was extremely timely for me. I will definitely check out square cash too. Thanks!!!

  7. Just finished 'Girl Code' and my favorite quote was "Her success is not your failure." Great post!

    Alix | www.apintsizedlife.com

  8. It sounds like a cool app, I'm not sure if it's something that you can use here in the Philippines though. Thanks for all the awesome tips on how to own up to being a girl boss!

  9. I love these tips! Square Cash sounds like an awesome app!


  10. Yes, girl! Love this tips! #GirlBosses for the win! xx Merisa | Monogrammed Magnolias

  11. Great tips! I have actually never used Square Cash, but I am going to go check it out.

  12. I'm loving all these motivational tips! I totally agree that we should find our own grind and do what works for us! I'm definitely a routine kinda girl!

  13. All such great tips! Finding your grind is key!

  14. Don't sell yourself short; exactly!!! Understand your worth. Nicely written

  15. I'm going to check out the Rising Tide Society. I like the idea of finding your grind too. That's the way to go!

  16. Thanks for sharing great tips! I haven't heard of Square Cash, but will check it out as I'll need a new alternative for the PayPal.

  17. Great tips! I'm still working hard on #4!

  18. being eager to learn new things is indeed one of the traits that most bosses look for . There are nice tips )

  19. I try to promote #3 often but struggle with #4 myself. I try and grab coffee with other women to learn from them and also see how I can help them :)

  20. I want to be a total girlboss lol. I need to stay inspired to keep on track and check out Square Cash.

  21. Yes yes yes! I think it's so important to lift up and encourage other women to be their own girl bosses, because we all know we have our own obstacles without negativity from each other.

  22. Ok I seriously need to read that book! Every blogger cited it as bible haha these are great tips x

  23. Love these tips! Couldn't agree more with setting deadlines and getting study done. As a mom, it helps so much to set deadlines and check off stuff, because getting stuff done can be difficult at times with a little one :)

  24. I love this list - I work in Construction so...not too many girls - I need to be the best ;) great list

  25. I love this list! I'm working on being boss myself. Knowing my worth is the only place I lack.

  26. LOVED this post! I'm such a big fan of Sophia Amerouso, and if you love girl boss you have to check out her podcast! She interviews different girl bosses each week and I swear it always gets me so inspired.

    Pick Your Beau

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